Prayer Shells

Prayer shells are something new … shells that are prayed over and anointed in the name of Jesus.

These are to encourage and remind us of our heavenly Father’s love.

Remember … He never leaves us nor forsakes us (Deut 31:6); He even will leave the ninety-nine for us (Matt 18:12); Jesus’ love for us is as strong as the Father’s love for him (John 15:9); we are in fact created in his image (Gen 1:27); and that Jesus wants none to perish, but all to have eternal life (2Peter 3:9). God’s heart is for you! Here’s a lovely song called Heart of God by Hillsong Worship that reminds us of who God is … some lyrics: “You remind me I’m a child of God … Regardless of the things I’ve done …”

Go here to hear Heart of God.

A prayer shell is a symbol as the prayer shawl is, too.

Just like a prayer shawl is lovingly prayed over one stitch at a time, a prayer shell has been prayed over one knob or ridge or point at a time (by me).

Each shell will have a different prayer theme and message based purely on prayer and direction of the Holy Spirit. That theme will be noted in an attached note. Themes might be healing, love, unity, fruits of the spirit, worth, joy, and freedom.

A friend has already received a prayer shell which she keeps nearby, in a place that it is visible. I would think some might like to do that, too, but others may want to carry it in a pocket (assuming it is not breakable like the angel wing in the sample above :), or place it in a vehicle, or on the window shelf in the kitchen, or wherever that is most encouraging to you.

Please feel free to message me with any thoughts about the prayer shells.


So many shells!


What is it?